

Online donation is one of the ways to support our ministry.  We are very thankful for your prayers and support for Atlanta Japanese Baptist Church.


*上のボタンをクリックすると、母教会Peachtree Corners Baptist Churchの献金ページに行きます。

When you click the button “献金する/Donate,” a new page will open and you will see the donation page by our Mother church, Peachtree Corners Baptist Church.

重要:献金先を”Japanese Church”に指定して、献金してください。初期設定の”Budget Offering”やそのたのFundを指定すると、アトランタ日本語バプテスト教会に献金されないので十分注意してください。

Important: Donation must be made “to Japanese Church” when you donate. If the donation is made to other funding such as “Budget Offering,” the donation would not contribute to Atlanta Japanese Baptist Church.

一時的な献金は、登録しなくても、”Quick Give”をクリックして必要情報を入れてもらえれば献金ができます。定期的な献金をしていただける方は、ユーザー登録をしていただき選んでいただいた頻度で献金ができます。

You can donate one-time without a registration by just clicking “Quick Give” and add information on the page. If you prefer to donate periodically, create your user account by clicking “First Time?” then provide necessary information including how frequently you would like to donate.


After the donation, a confirmation email will be sent to you. When you receive the confirmation email, please send the confirmation email to either Pastor Sakamaki (hirosakamaki@gmail.com)or Sambi Takahashi(sambi100@gmail.com)who is in charge of accounting to let us know you contributed to our church. If you designate the donation, please let us know how we should use the fund (e.g. mission trip, Japan earthquake relief fund etc…)


If you have any questions about donation, contact us.